Adding Photos to Your Google Business Listing
Google LOVES images. Our experience is that Google My Business listings with more photos perform better (conversions) and may in fact achieve better rankings than those with few photos. These conclusions seem be supported by Google’s new enthusiasm for photos.
Yet, for small business owners, this can be a problem. It often falls to the very bottom of the list of more important tasks, which is reasonable. But there are easy ways to add photos to your Google Listing:
#1 Download the Google My Business App on your smartphone. Login and get acquainted. Now you can get push notifications to alert you of reviews, updates and more.
#2 Take photos of your business with your phone. Happy, personable and engaging photos are best. If you own a restaurant, happy faces eating your food inside your establishment make the best profile photos. Stock images = Bad.
#3 Upload those photos to your Google My Business App. And now you are done. You can follow these same steps on Yelp with Yelp Business Owners App.
Tip While just having photos on your listings is good, having professional looking photos would be better, and photos uploaded with optimized file names is a good idea [pizza-new-haven-ct.jpg], but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.