Local Business Blog

Should My Business Advertise on Yelp?

By Jeffrey Magner / November 12, 2016 / Comments Off on Should My Business Advertise on Yelp?

Should I be Advertising on Yelp? Many local business owners wonder if Yelp advertising would help get more customers in the door. Certainly Yelp thinks so, and the Yelp sales reps will sell advertising to ANY business – whether it’s a good idea for them or not. The problem is that for 95% of businesses out […]

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How to Submit a Business on Acxiom

By Jeffrey Magner / October 17, 2016 / Comments Off on How to Submit a Business on Acxiom

How to Submit a Business to Acxiom Submitting your local business on Acxiom is a big deal – one of the most important Local SEO tactics available. It’s not easy to find where to go to begin so let us help you. Here’s the page: https://mybusinesslistingmanager.myacxiom.com/# It’s free but you’ll have to jump through some hoops […]

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Where does Siri get her information?

By Jeffrey Magner / October 15, 2016 / Comments Off on Where does Siri get her information?

Where does Siri get her information? Most people won’t even ask this question or even wonder. It goes like this: “This is my awesome new iPhone. I trust Apple. I trust Siri. Look at this killer packaging! I’m hungry. I need food now – near me.” But where does she get her information? Apple is […]

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Google My Business Phone Support 2016

By Jeffrey Magner / August 25, 2016 / Comments Off on Google My Business Phone Support 2016

Google My Business Phone Support 2016 <UPDATE> December 30, 2016 This link to get to this phone support is working again! Google My Business Phone Support   <UPDATE> November 3, 2016 On your Google Listing dashboard, click the menu icon at Top Left. Scroll to “Support” A help dialogue box will appear. Scroll to the […]

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Google Maps Business Name Spam Alive & Well in 2016

By Jeffrey Magner / August 1, 2016 / Comments Off on Google Maps Business Name Spam Alive & Well in 2016

Google puts great effort into providing the very best possible search results, as that’s primarily how they earn their money. In 2015, their annual revenue was $74.5 Billion. So you can imagine they have a great interest in also stamping out businesses that cut corners with spammy tactics to rank on page 1. And for […]

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Geo-Targeted Services Pages: Is This a Good Idea?

By Jeffrey Magner / July 22, 2015 / Comments Off on Geo-Targeted Services Pages: Is This a Good Idea?

Many local businesses serve customers beyond the town that their business is actually located in. Consequently, we are often asked by our clients what is the best way to get a website to rank well for a particular service in a specific city/town. This is an important topic – especially for businesses in suburbs or rural […]

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